
  1. Marked Safe From Meme Generator
  2. Marked For Death
  3. Marked Men For Christ
  4. Marked Series
  5. Marked Tree Vineyard
1) имеющий какие-л. знаки, вехи;
замеченный, отмеченный
2) заметныйstrongly marked ≈ ярко выраженныйmarked difference ≈ заметная разницаmarked disadvantage ≈ явныйущерб;
явноневыгодное положениеимеющий какие-л. знаки, вехи;
помеченный, отмеченный - * pages помеченные /отмеченные/ страницы - * cards крапленые карты - * map (военное) карта с нанесенной обстановкой;
поднятая карта испачканный - a less easily * bindingwould have been betterменеемаркийпереплетбыл бы лучше заметный;
ясноразличимый - a * change in smb. заметная перемена в ком-л. - * difference заметная разница, заметное различие - a * distaste for bloodshedявноеотвращение к кровопролитию - * disadvantage явный ущерб;
явно невыгодное положение - a man of * abilityчеловек с незаурядными способностями - * map (редкое) заметный /видный, известный/ человек - it is becoming more * этостановитсявсе заметнее - there was a * change in his attitude to me егоотношение ко мне заметно изменилось - he spoke with a * Americanaccent он говорил с явным американским акцентом > a * man человек, взятый на заметку;
человек, за которымили за действиями которого следят с враждебностью /подозрительностью/marked p. p. от mark ~ вчт. выделенный ~ заметный;
strongly marked ярковыраженный;
marked difference заметная разница;
marked disadvantage явный ущерб;
явно невыгодное положение ~ заметный ~ имеющий какие-л. знаки, вехи;
замеченный, отмеченный ~ имеющий помету ~ обозначенный ~ отмеченный ~ помеченный ~ явный ~ ясно различимый~ заметный;
strongly marked ярко выраженный;
marked difference заметная разница;
marked disadvantage явный ущерб;
явно невыгодное положение~ заметный;
strongly marked ярко выраженный;
marked difference заметная разница;
marked disadvantage явный ущерб;
явно невыгодное положениеa ~ man видный, известный человек a ~ man человек, за которым следят~ заметный;
strongly marked ярко выраженный;
marked difference заметная разница;
marked disadvantage явный ущерб;
явно невыгодное положение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

17 hours ago  A Bay Area grocery store owner pled guilty last Wednesday to two counts of 'flagrant' price gouging after officials found that items in the shop were marked. / mɑːkt / A marked change or difference in behavior or in a situation is very obvious or noticeable: There was a marked improvement in my health when I gave up smoking. Unemployment has fallen again, although the change is less marked. ‘There is a marked difference between those living in prosperous wheat belt and wine country, compared with those in declining steel towns.’ ‘What this actually points to is a marked, though still limited, diffusion of prosperity and a radically changing social and occupational structure.’.

Смотреть что такое 'marked' в других словарях:

  • Marked — (m[aum]rkt), a. Designated or distinguished by, or as by, a mark; hence; noticeable; conspicuous; as, a marked card; a marked coin; a marked instance. {Mark ed*ly}, adv. J. S. Mill. [1913 Webster] {A marked man}, a man who is noted by a community … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • marked — UK US /mɑːkt/ adjective ► very obvious: more/less marked »In the US, the fall has been even more marked, from 10.1 per cent in September to 6.6 per cent. a marked slowdown/increase/change »There has been a marked slowdown in revenue growth. ►… … Financial and business terms

  • marked — [ markt ] adjective ** clear and noticeable: a marked difference/change/improvement/increase in someone/something: I noticed a marked difference in Sam s behavior. in marked contrast (=in a completely different way): It s warm and sunny now, in… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • marked — W3 [ma:kt US ma:rkt] adj 1.) [only before noun] very easy to notice = ↑noticeable ▪ a marked lack of enthusiasm ▪ The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication. ▪ Miller s organized desk stood in marked… … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • marked — [märkt] adj. 1. having a mark or marks (in various senses) 2. singled out to be watched or looked for as an object of suspicion, hostility, etc. [a marked man] 3. noticeable; obvious; appreciable; distinct; conspicuous [a marked change in… … English World dictionary

  • marked — having a mark, O.E. gemearcodan (see MARK (Cf. mark) (v.)). Meaning clearly defined (pronounced as two syllables) is from 1795. Related: MARKEDLY (Cf. Markedly). Marked man one who is watched with hostile intent is from 1769 … Etymology dictionary

  • Dell e7440 specs. marked — marked; un·marked; … English syllables

  • marked — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a visible mark or other identifying feature. 2) clearly noticeable. 3) singled out as a target for attack: a marked man. DERIVATIVES markedly adverb markedness noun … English terms dictionary

  • marked — index certain (particular), certain (specific), considerable, conspicuous, distinct (distinguished from others), distinctive … Law dictionary

  • marked — англ. [макт] markiert нем. [марки/рт] marque фр. Lyrics to crossroads. [маркэ/] выделяя, подчеркивая ◊ marquer la mesure [маркэ/ ла мэзю/р] отбивать такт … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • marked — [adj] apparent, obvious arresting, clear, considerable, conspicuous, decided, distinct, evident, manifest, notable, noted, noticeable, outstanding, patent, pointed, prominent, pronounced, remarkable, salient, signal, striking; concepts… … New thesaurus


  • Marked (изд. 2012 г. ), Cast P.C. When sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird gets Marked as a fledgling vampire she must join the House of Night school where she will train to become an adult vampire. That is, if she makes it through… ПодробнееКупить за 1471 грн (только Украина)
  • Marked, Cast P.C. When sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird gets Marked as a fledgling vampire she must join the House of Night school where she will train to become an adult vampire. That is, if she makes it through… ПодробнееКупить за 1137 руб
  • Marked (House of Night), P. C. and Kristin Cast. When sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird gets Marked as a fledgling vampire she must join the House of Night school where she will train to become an adult vampire. That is, if she makes it through… ПодробнееКупить за 803 грн (только Украина)
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Synonyms for marked




Marked Safe From Meme Generator

Synonyms for marked

Marked For Death

readily attracting notice


Synonyms for marked

strongly marked

Related Words

singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate

having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified

Marked Men For Christ

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