Tomcat Http Proxy

May 08, 2018 ProxyPass /static! States that we don’t proxy any request beginning with the keyword /static/ (you need to state their the name of your folder for content).The rest of the requests are going to be proxied to our application, deployed on Tomcat (the path to the application is defined by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse). This tutorial will show you how to configure Tomcat Load Balancing with Apache webserver (http server) using Mod Proxy. I have listed here the following steps on how to configure Apache with Tomcat to configure Load Balancer using Mod Proxy. Mar 18, 2017 A common setup for Java web applications is to run Tomcat behind a web server like Apache in a reverse proxy configuration. This allows Apache to handle all incoming and outgoing traffic between. About Sample Values and Copying of Text. is used as a sample domain name (in key names and configuration blocks). Replace it with your organization’s name. Many NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus configuration blocks in this guide list two sample Tomcat application servers with IP addresses and Replace these addresses with the IP addresses of your. No, Tomcat won't automatically use the system proxy settings. I suggest you look into the facilities provided by This allows you to dynamically specifiy a proxy at runtime.

Proxy Support HOW-TO

Table of Contents


Using standard configurations of Tomcat, web applications can ask for the server name and port number to which the request was directed for processing. When Tomcat is running standalone with the HTTP/1.1 Connector, it will generally report the server name specified in the request, and the port number on which the Connector is listening. The servlet API calls of interest, for this purpose, are:

  • ServletRequest.getServerName(): Returns the host name of the server to which the request was sent.
  • ServletRequest.getServerPort(): Returns the port number of the server to which the request was sent.
  • ServletRequest.getLocalName(): Returns the host name of the Internet Protocol (IP) interface on which the request was received.
  • ServletRequest.getLocalPort(): Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface on which the request was received.

When you are running behind a proxy server (or a web server that is configured to behave like a proxy server), you will sometimes prefer to manage the values returned by these calls. In particular, you will generally want the port number to reflect that specified in the original request, not the one on which the Connector itself is listening. You can use the proxyName and proxyPort attributes on the <Connector> element to configure these values.

Proxy support can take many forms. The following sections describe proxy configurations for several common cases.

Apache 1.3 Proxy Support

Apache 1.3 supports an optional module (mod_proxy) that configures the web server to act as a proxy server. This can be used to forward requests for a particular web application to a Tomcat instance, without having to configure a web connector such as mod_jk. To accomplish this, you need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Configure your copy of Apache so that it includes the mod_proxy module. If you are building from source, the easiest way to do this is to include the --enable-module=proxy directive on the ./configure command line.

  2. If not already added for you, make sure that you are loading the mod_proxy module at Apache startup time, by using the following directives in your httpd.conf file:

  3. Include two directives in your httpd.conf file for each web application that you wish to forward to Tomcat. For example, to forward an application at context path /myapp:

    which tells Apache to forward URLs of the form http://localhost/myapp/* to the Tomcat connector listening on port 8081.

  4. Configure your copy of Tomcat to include a special <Connector> element, with appropriate proxy settings, for example:

    which will cause servlets inside this web application to think that all proxied requests were directed to on port 80.

  5. It is legal to omit the proxyName attribute from the <Connector> element. If you do so, the value returned by request.getServerName() will by the host name on which Tomcat is running. In the example above, it would be localhost.

  6. If you also have a <Connector> listening on port 8080 (nested within the same Service element), the requests to either port will share the same set of virtual hosts and web applications.

  7. You might wish to use the IP filtering features of your operating system to restrict connections to port 8081 (in this example) to be allowed only from the server that is running Apache.

  8. Alternatively, you can set up a series of web applications that are only available via proxying, as follows:

    • Configure another <Service> that contains only a <Connector> for the proxy port.
    • Configure appropriate Engine, Host, and Context elements for the virtual hosts and web applications accessible via proxying.
    • Optionally, protect port 8081 with IP filters as described earlier.
  9. When requests are proxied by Apache, the web server will be recording these requests in its access log. Therefore, you will generally want to disable any access logging performed by Tomcat itself.

When requests are proxied in this manner, all requests for the configured web applications will be processed by Tomcat (including requests for static content). You can improve performance by using the mod_jk web connector instead of mod_proxy. mod_jk can be configured so that the web server serves static content that is not processed by filters or security constraints defined within the web application's deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.xml).

Apache 2.0 Proxy Support

The same instructions hold true as for 1.3. (Except in Apache 2.0, you may omit AddModule mod_proxy.c)

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You might have seen a lot of articles explaining how to proxy your backend APIs on development environment. All those articles stop there and you need to struggle yourself to get the same configuration working on your production. You often would have failed because same config would not work or sometimes figured out yourself spending your weekend over just configuring the APIs. We know this pain !! This is not just another article like others, so hang on.Take a cup of coffee and enjoy reading through this simple step by step tutorial. We promise, we will save your weekend from getting ruined :)
In this tutorial, We will explain you how to configure your backend APIs on both development and production environments on three most famous servers: Apache HTTP Server, Nginx and Tomcat.
We have configured react router and API Proxy configured on Create React App (CRA) scaffolding application. If you are struggling to configure React Router in your application, refer to this easy step by step tutorial. Create React App - React Router Setup. We used the same application configured in this tutorial and extended it to configure the API Proxy.First we need to access a REST API. For this we will be using axios library, so go ahead and install it.npm install axios
Now, create a component called Dashboard and add the code as below. This component will just fetches the data and displays as a table.
Create a helper class that has the actual axios call to the API,
Thats all for the application. We will now see how to configure this API endpoint URL and make our application working. You can find source of the working application at the end. Check 'Download Source' section.
Configuring API proxy in development environment is dependent on your CRA version. You can find your version in package.json. Check version of react-scripts.
We can configure proxy for these versions in package.json itself using proxy property. changeOrigin is used if domains are different. Otherwise you might get a CORS error. Finally, You can add all your headers, if any, under headers property.
For these versions, apart from the above proxy property option, we can now also move all proxy configurations into a separate file named setupProxy.js. Note that although proxy property works, it can accept only a string. If its an object use setupProxy.js instead. To recognize this file, we need to install an npm module as :npm install http-proxy-middlewareTomcat Http Proxy
Create a file named setupProxy.js in src folder and add your proxy configurations in it.
You can also add your headers either using headers property or using a function called on the event onProxyReq.This is all about Development configuration. Now lets look at Production configuration. Before that, lets create a production build using,npm run build

Tomcat Proxyport

This build will be deployed to the servers in the following sections.
Now, let us see how to configure the API proxy on production servers. Apache and Nginx configurations are straight forward. Tomcat configuration is a bit different. We will see how, when we discuss about it.

1. Enable the following modules in httpd.conf :

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/ - If not already enabled
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

2. Add the following configuration in httpd.conf file

As you can see, the Directory tag takes care of the server side routing and ProxyPass directives takes care of the API proxying. If you are not sure what this is, head over to this tutorial Free http proxy facebookReact Router Configuration - Apache Http Server, Nginx, Tomcat
Now, navigate to the home page of /react-proxy-config and make sure you are seeing the data from your API.

1. Add the following in nginx.conf :

Tomcat Http Proxy Download

The first section is used for proxying the API while the second section is used for server side routing.
Tomcat configuration is a bit different than other two servers. Tomcat cannot proxy requests on its own. It can only Rewrite the URLs. So, we will take help of Apache Http Server and setup a Reverse Proxy Configuration.
Deploy your application to webapps folder of tomcat and add the below configuration in Apache httpd.conf file.
Remember, You need to navigate to your apache URL and check if its properly redirected to the Tomcat.

Tomcat Http Proxy Server

Thats all folks !! Happy coding. If you feel this helped you, keep supporting us by or or below or on the articles on social media.